Conduct a market analysis, find the most viable Brazil nut product, design a business that can boost the local economy and promote Suriname as a sustainable country.
A marketing strategy for Brazil nut massage oil to be sold to spas in the Caribbean under a Sustainable Suriname brand.
The Wayana and Trio Indigenous people play a critical role in the conservation of the South Suriname Corridor and it is essential that they lead a grassroots process where communities see the short and long term benefits of conservation. For this reason, Conservation International Suriname (CI-S) is looking to improve their livelihoods through economic alternatives that maintain the integrity of the forest. the production of Brazil nuts is quite favorable as they only grow in healthy rainforests, providing economic incentive to maintain the ecosystem as a whole, rather than just the Brazil nut tree.
CI-S approached the Berkeley MDP team to assess the feasibility of Brazil nuts as a sustainable business opportunity for the TRIO people of Alalapadu community. They requested that we identify the most viable Brazil-nut based product with feasible sustainable production, define the ideal market segment for this product, develop a market entry strategy and envision a longer term expansion plan.