Design a qualitative monitoring and evaluation tool for the Sustainable Amazon Foundation to measure the impact of community based tourism in the Rio Negro Basin.
An easy to use guide and survey that can be implemented by local communities encompassing economic, environmental and socio-cultural sustainability according to the community’s, the foundation’s and international standards.
Fundação Amazonas Sustentável (FAS) is one of the major NGOs in Brazil promoting “the sustainable involvement, environmental conservation and quality of life of the riverine communities of the Amazon". They train communities on sustainable natural resource management and create economic alternatives like sustainable tourism to replace illegal logging, fishing and mining. FAS monitors thei impact of their programs with quantitative indicators such as revenue generated, people trained or number of visitors.
However, quantitative indicators don’t explain why the tourism initiatives are not having positive results. FAS asked me to complete a stakeholder, contribution and SWOT analysis of their tourism program, to find opportunities for improvement. The result was a set of recommendations to reinforce the tourism program as an income-generating initiative and a qualitative monitoring and evaluation tool to track their sustainability and impact.
“They built the restaurants and the hostels but they didn’t bring the tourists, how will we make money?”
“Foreigners want to see indigenous people and Brazilian people want comfort. Why would they go to these communities?”