Find maximum leverage points for Oakland International High School to engage Central American new comer students and reduce truancy rates.
Actionable recommendations on nutrition (education and food delivery), motivation (curriculum catering to two main segments) and community building (lessons from soccer without borders, shared rides to school and summer boot camp).
The journey across the US southern border presents a particularly high risk of physical harm, human trafficking, extortion, forced labor, sexual abuse and the intense fear of arrest. One of the biggest challenges presented by this exodus is the psycho-social recovery of minors’ after migration.
The Oakland International High School (OIHS) has taken on this challenge, serving as a hub for social service providers, fostering community development and providing educational and emotional support for newcomer students. Nevertheless, the school has expressed difficulty in having Central American students attend on a regular basis, therefore limiting the impact of their efforts, the state and federal funding.
“We can only provide support services to students who come, and those who need them most don’t come”
Dreamers: want to further the education level of their families and receive family emotional and financial support.
Survivors: want to acquire language level and high school diploma which will allow them to earn more in the short term so they can support themselves and their families.
“I only have dinner the night before playing a soccer game”