Help Patagonia design a strategy to make their sustainability communications more readily available to their customers and other businesses in the industry.
An innovative communications strategy that connects Patagonia’s products with sustainability information via virtual reality and a new website layout that maximizes accessibility to the information their customers care most about.
The apparel industry has been the focus of human rights abuses, environmental depletion and the promotion of wasteful lifestyles for the past twenty years. Some of the most famous scandals include the collapse of manufacturing facilities in Bangladesh, child labor across South East Asia, the fast fashion movement in western countries and the toxic neon dye released into water sources in Mexico.
As an industry leader in outdoor apparel, Patagonia has adopted and promoted sustainability practices through conscientious sourcing, socially responsible manufacturing, low emission supply chain and various conservation advocacy efforts. It also has partnerships with educational and research institutions that help advance relevant technology, create awareness of environmental issues and educate on activism practices.
Nevertheless, Patagonia’s multiple sustainability efforts are not having the outreach or impact they would like. Patagonia approached the Berkeley Haas consultancy team to help them design a communications campaign for their sustainability practices targeting their current and potential customers.
“I would like to see the real world consequences of our behavior on the people affected, to the point you can’t pretend anymore that you don’t know.”
“It would be kind of cool to know who is making a garment and a picture of him with the coat.”